Political Science Definition, Nature and Scope , Importance of study of Political Science (New post 2021)

 Political Science Definition, Nature and Scope , Importance of study of Political Science


 The term 'politics' is derived from the Greek word  'polis' which means 'city-state'. The term 'polity' is derived from the Greek word 'poleticia' meaning government or constitution . Aristotle, the Father of Political Science', used the term 'politics' for the first time in his book 'Politics'. 


Some definitions of political science ––

J.W. Garner-"Political Science begins and ends with the State." 

Paul Janet--"Political Science is that part of social science which treats the foundations of the State and the principles of government." 

R.N. Gilchrist "Political Science deals with State and Government."

 R.G. Gettell–"It is a historical investigation of, what the State has been, an analytical study of what the State is, and a politico-ethical discussion of what the State should be."

Jensk –" Politics is the study that deals with the state and the government." 

Harold Lasswell and Kaplan-"Politics as an empirical enquiry is the duty of shaping and sharing of power."

  Harold J. Laski-"The study of politics concerns itself with the life of men in relation to organized States." 

 Max Weber-Politics is the struggle for power or the influencing of those in power.

Scope of Political Science 

It is not easy to determine the boundaries of the subject, political science. Political science emerged as the science of the city-State. With the growth in the functions of the State on the one hand and political consciousness on the other, political science extends not only to the State but also to the society and to all human efforts relating to governance.

 Political science revolves around the organised society; the State and the Government being treated as its chief features. Political science takes historical investigation and records the conditions under which the earlier States operated and their governments worked. Likewise, while analysing the present State, it takes up the State purpose, structure and functions of the State, its relations with individuals and groups .

In the words of R.N. Gilchrist, "The scope of political science is determined by the inquiries that arise in connection with the State. State as it is, the State as it has been, the State as it ought to be." 

Political science deals with the nature of human associations and organisations, their objects, influences, structures, etc. Politics covers social values, political socialisation, public administration, national and international organisations, etc. are included in the scope of the Political Science.

The study of political science is not limited to the State. It deals with the national and international problems, international organisations and man's relation with them. Thus, the scope of the subject has become very wide. The scope of political science extends not only to the description and understanding of the State in its political and administrative spheres but also to the psychological and social analysis of the individual or group political behaviour.

Nature of Political Science 

There are different views on the nature of politics. Aristotle, Bodin, Hobbes, Bluntschli, Montesquieu, Lewis, Sidgwick, Jellinek, Bryce, etc. hold that politics is a science. But, writers like J.S. Mill, Maitland, Catlin, Barker, Buckle, Auguste Comte, etc. maintain that it is only an art.

Politics is a Science 

Politics is considered as' science on the following grounds –––

1. Politics can be studied in a systematic manner. 

2. It is said that experimentation is possible in politics. 

3.Political science, like other sciences, has absolute and universal laws. 

4. It is possible to make predictions in politics, but in a limited area. 

5. There are certain principles and methods on which political thinkers unanimously agree. 

6.Politics is a subject which has scientific nature.

 7.At present, politics has attained modernity. Aristotle called politics as 'Supreme Science'.

Politics is not a Science 

James Bryce maintains that "Politics can never become a science." Catlin thinks that there is "No such thing as a political science." Buckle holds that "Politics far from being a science is one of the most backward of all the arts." Maitland writes, "When I see a good set of examination questions headed by the word Political Science I regret not the questions but the title." 

 Politics is not considered as science on the following grounds ––––

 1.Politics has no absolute and universal laws like physical sciences or exact sciences. 

2.It does not observe the theory of cause and effect, which is the basis of all sciences. 

3. The subject of politics has not developed in a steady, regular and continuous manner. 

4.Scientific methods of observation and experimentation cannot be applied to politics because political conditions are ever changing and difficult to be experimented upon.

5.The factors which influence political conditions cannot be controlled for experimentation. 

6. In politics, there are no tools of measurement to ascertain results while observing political phenomena. 

7.The methods used in the study of political issues are uncertain, crude and undeveloped and the results are not reliable.

Politics is a social science

It must be admitted that political science is not an exact science, as it falls short of the degree of the perfection and exactness attained by physical sciences.

Importance of study of Political Science 

Modern age is the age of democracy. So every individual involves in political activity in some way or the other. Every individual is directly or indirectly concerned with politics. Bernard Shaw observes that politics alone can save civilization. The proper study of political science is significant both to society and to the individual. 

1.To solve the political problems, the clear understanding of the origin and development of the State and its nature and role is required.

2.The knowledge of the past political thought and principles enable us to understand the present social, political and administrative problem.

3. Politics makes people conscious of their right and duties.

4. Politics educates on ways of protecting liberty and justice.

5. Politics contributes to intellectual achievement.


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